
Caitlin Cusack

writer : editor : content creator

I am a creative strategist. 


I love words. I love  the power words can wield and the pictures words can paint. I am always in awe of the perfectly turned phrase and the well-polished remark.  I have been fortunate to work on a wide variety of projects, for both commercial and non-profit clients.

My background includes work in management consulting, government and politics; freelancing happened when I opted out of the formal workplace to stay home with my children. The exposure I have had to many different industries, while consulting and in my freelance work, has given me a broad perspective and a depth of experience that I am happy to share with my clients. Politics was my first love, and the wonk in me always enjoys a substantive policy project. But I love to tell all kinds of stories, and I believe my almost-unbridled curiosity about the world and insatiable need to consume all sorts of media provide ample sources of inspiration and color for my writing.

You never know what will inspire your next creative direction. Let me take your vision and craft a powerful message.

I feel that the key to creating successful campaign tools — whether the campaign is for a product, service, organization or office — is understanding your target audience, and knowing which story to tell.

I love to tell all kinds of stories. 

I have drafted speeches for dignitaries and taglines for consumer products; my video scripts have promoted everything from the world’s most famous Christmas tree to the world’s most prestigious crystals. My range is expansive, and I have been known to churn out business plans, policy papers and press releases when asked. For those projects that require more of a guide than a ghost, I also tutor writing and English Language Arts students.

Here is a selection of my work. And here are some more additions.

Audio and Video Scripts and Screenplays:

to celebrate, to demonstrate, to promote, to thrill, because it could go viral… for events, for spectacles, for launches, for introductions

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Speeches and Biographies:

to honor, to inform, to implore, to entertain, because you were asked to tell their story…for causes, for ceremonies, for event programs, for commencements, for memorials

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Blogs, websites, digital content of all kinds, print advertising:

to educate, to demonstrate, to publicize, to attract, because you must… for first impressions, for lasting impact, for global reach, for local color

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Reports, Thought Pieces and Whitepapers:

to market, to inform, to persuade, to challenge, because someone has to cut through the jargon and write to be understood… for issues, for investigations, for corporations, for non-profits

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I take great satisfaction in a job well done, but praise is always nice, too.


Let’s collaborate and create content that engages and informs, messages that inspire and materials people will actually want to read.